Entry Requirements

Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics

Alongside the entry requirements for each course, you will also need to achieve the minimum Sixth Form entry requirements.


100% Examination

Next Steps

A-level mathematics is one of the most useful qualifications you can gain; it can open doors to many career options. Related careers include: Engineering; Economics and Accountancy.

A-Level in Mathematics

Mathematics is a universal part of human culture. It is the tool and language of commerce, engineering and the natural sciences. A-level Mathematics provides you with a broad range of skills in problem solving, logical reasoning and flexible thinking. This leads to careers that are exciting, challenging and diverse in nature.

Ready to Apply?

Course Content

The course is delivered through classroom sessions, using traditional methods of learning combined with the use of iPads, graphical calculators and software packages that all enhance the classroom experience.

A-Level Mathematics will build on and extend your knowledge of algebra, trigonometry and vectors, and introduce you to exciting concepts of differentiation and integration. In addition you will study topics related to classical mechanics and statistics.

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Hornsea Sixth Form


HU18 1DW


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